Saturday, November 16, 2013


Space-Time By: Miles Pelton, Nov. 2013 Wikipedia explains space-time as a mathematical model that combines space and time into a single continuum on the basis that space has three dimensions and time adds a fourth dimension. Therefore, the term has meaning and the conclusions drawn from those calculations have meaning only if the basis for the theory is correct. In other words mathematics may prove the theory but does not necessarily prove the theory is correct. Is it? First, does space have three dimensions? The true interpretation of space is a place where nothing exists, or a place that could exist as a singularity, a point with no dimension. If space is nothing then nothing has no dimension and a singularity has no dimensions. Therefore, the assumption that space has three dimensions is indicated to be flawed, to exist only in a mathematical theory or model, a hypothetical. Second, time does not a standalone absolute, it is a relative term not elementary to fundamental physics. Time exists only when describing motion, change or growth. Time is a term created by man as a means of explaining motion, change or growth. Time is a modifier and quantifier of motion and does not have a specific standalone meaning. Therefore; space-time is a hypothetical mathematical game whether willfully or unwittingly being played outside the reality of fundamental physics that has no relevance. It proves only that mathematics can prove a mathematical equation. It does not prove the assumptions used in forming the equation.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


If as suggested by scientific theory and Genesis 1: 2 (NLT), the Universe was initially filled with a multitude of like "Neutrino size particles" with no physical presence (i.e.: divine in nature) and with one characteristic, namely; to hold a “charge” to impart to each “neutrino” the power of affinity (attraction) for another “neutrino”, then, based upon known/established physics principles, those "like charges" causes the establishment of a repelling force between particles. Therefore; each “neutrino” would carry the ability to attract (Yin) and repel (Yang). Further recognize that the Cosmic Background Radiation confirmed to exist ubiquitously and with uniform intensity through out the Universe,could/would establish and sustain the “Yin-Yang” charge as long as that charge not unlike the "charge" addressed by Genesis 1: 2)is sustained thereby supplying the power to create and sustain the Universe.
To assist in comprehension, it is recognized that all matter, beginning with Neutrons, Protons and Electrons, is made of “neutrino size" particles that of them-selves have no physical presence. Further, it should be recognized that the Cosmic Background Radiation theorized to be heat residual from the “big bang” could not be because there would have been no Neutron, Protons, and Electrons existing at that point in time, which are necessary to produce the effect called heat/explosion.
Recognizing that all matter in the Universe is made of Atoms that each are in turn an assembly of Neutrons, Protons and Electrons bound together by the Yin (attracting) force should lead to the conclusion that the binding force carried by the “neutrinos” is the fundamental force of creation and the precursor of all forces in the Universe and conventionally called gravitational attraction or gravity. Further, recognize that instantly following the establishment of the "neutron particle charge", the multitude of particles would expand to fill the Universe in response to the repelling (Yang) force. Also, that the Yin-Yang forces, acting between the neutrinos, produces Neutrons, Protons and Electrons, the components of all matter.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Holy Moses

There will be those who will consider the contents of this paper to be an attempt to teach or preach religion. There will be some who will consider the concepts provided by this paper to be blasphemous. This as an effort to reconcile and hopefully make clearer the principles espoused by scripture sources with the principles set forth by physics text books.
Genesis 1: 1-3 summarizes the initial act of creation as a command “Let there be light.”, which act followed the statement “The earth was a formless mass cloaked in darkness. And the Spirit of God was hovering over its surface” (speaking of the formless mass then to become the universe). Recognize that the referenced quote speaks of “the heavens and the earth” which translates to what was to become the universe or all of creation.
It is generally conceded by most people that what we call God exists as a divine spirit. That is, existing but with no physical presence. In John 3: 24, the author quotes Jesus as saying “For God is Spirit”. Furthermore; textbook physics recognizes that a multitude of non-physical sub-atomic “particles” (bosons) can exist at a point without their presence being detectable. Textbook physics also recognizes that when a “like charge” is impressed and maintained upon sub-atomic particles, a repelling force is then created between the individual particles and the multitude of particles at that point expand to create distance, in response to that “like” repelling force. That reaction (explained in my paper “Yin-Yang Makes A Big Bang”) gives the fundamentals of the “formless mass” opposing force power (Yin and Yang) whereupon their assembly creates particles with physical presence, specifically Neutrons, Protons and Electrons with which the entire physical components of the Universe were/are created. It is interesting to note that in John 1: I-18, the author opined that “the Word was with God and was God. He was in the beginning with God. He created everything there is. Nothing exists that he didn’t make. Life itself was in him, and this life gives light to everyone” Also, “So the Word became human and lived here on earth with us.”
The explanation of John encompasses principles that parallel closely the principles embraced in current Physics principles, when incorporated with the principles espoused in Genesis. When the “ formless” mass is taken as particles (uncharged neutrinos) of the presence of God and the “Word “ of John is taken as the Holy Spirit of God that upon the command of God, energized the “formless mass” particles of which all things have been created, then that Holy Spirit provided and provides the energy necessary for the creation of matter as well as that from which light and life are dependent for their existence, including the life of Jesus the man. And, it lends credence to the principles espoused by Yin-Yang Makes A Big Bang. Bottom line; Jesus in his divine state is God’s Holy Spirit that empowered and subsequently powers and sustains all creation, which supports the concept that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


It is appropriate to begin with the observation that faith is trusting in beliefs and that knowledge is knowledge whether the matter is of a secular or a theological nature. This is especially true when the matter involves forces and energies that are not sensible to the mechanisms with which humans are endowed, which situation applies to both secular and theological perspective when it comes to trying to explain the physics involved in creation. Under those circumstances a point is reached where trust in beliefs (faith) established through consideration of conclusions (beliefs) is necessary. The content of the conclusions expressed herein transcend secular and theological considerations and acknowledges that existing beliefs pertaining to the subject may be misdirected faith.
Liberty is taken in presenting some extraneous complimentary matters to exclude proving arguments that could be distracting. For example, it is accepted (a priori) that creation began as an immense quantity of eternally sustained like size particles of a “fundamental presence” that involve no physical component and whose solitary behavioral characteristic is an “affinity for self”. As a consequence, that immense quantity of “presence particles” constitutes a singularity with no physical presence but with a “presence” equal to the number of particles. Then, when energized with a “like charge” the “presence particles”, each now with their one unit of eternally sustained presence, expanded as with a “big bang” due to the repelling force produced between like charges or like charged particles. Now, instead of existing at one point, those “presence particles”, each with both a self-affinity and a repelling force, expand to fill the universe and, even though dispersed, retain as an assembly the same “presence intensity” as when in a singularity. At that point, now existing as the center of a sphere, the “presence center” of the assembly with an intensity equal to the number of particles, radiates its presence to establish a “presence relationship” with each particle (a difference of charge potential) that provides the mechanism by which the effect called gravity is produced.
Reviewing the process described reveals physics principles fundamental to creation. As discovered by Charles Coulomb, like charges and like charged particles repel but unlike attract and if released from a common singularity point, create spherically shaped assemblies where, as has been learned, the volume increases proportional to the square of the radius distance. Recognizing that the rate of radiation is set by the "presence intensity" of the concerned singularity it follows that upon release to fill a volume that increases as the square of the radiuas distance, the density and therefore the intensity of the "presence" diminishes at the rate of volume increase. In mathematical terms the rate of volume increase of a sphere is expressed by the equation; Volume equals 4/3 times pi times the radius distance cubed and the actual measurement is 186,000 miles per second. Transposing establishes that the force exerted by a charge that varies inversely as the square of the radius also varies in a like manner as has been demonstrated in the case of gravity and electriicity. In other words, envision 6that the chargwe being radiated by "presence particle centers" is in fact particles of energy, as Albert Einstein opined, traveling radially at 186,000 miles per second and that the interaction of forces between these "presence particles" causes their density to be dispersed in proportion to the square of the radius distance. As a consequence, a specific “presence particle” existing at a specific radius distance from the “presence particle center” would have a “charge” impressed upon it as described whereupon, a corresponding attraction force would be established.
Protons (with their associated electron) are an assembly of 1,840 “fundamental presence particles” that have been constricted of their own “affinity for self” where, in the process, a 1,839 unit singularity is created whose collective presence radiates an affinity for an ejected “fundamental particle” now designated an electron. This “second generation” singularity system continuously radiates (at 186,000 mps) quanta size charge particles that upon contact, release their charge to an electron. The difference of charge potential between the electron and the proton singularity of this second generation singularity system, results in establishing an interacting attraction force that is the skeleton of all matter and the muscle (force producer) involved in the creation and functioning of all matter.
Protons perform three functions. They have a physical presence (mass) that can be attracted by and by which they can attract other “presence particles” or assemblies of “presence particles” (mass); they have the power to generate a proton singularity electron attracting charge, and; they can be assembled (with neutrons and electrons) to form atoms wherein the electron attracting intensity of the assembled proton singularities is cumulative. It is important to recognize that the electron attraction generating capacity of a proton singularity (whether independently or cumulatively as in atoms) is limited by their 1,839 unit presence with the amount of intensity committed in each instance (in establishing and maintaining binding forces) inversely proportional to the radius distance squared, which means that to the extent available, the intensity of a singularity is committed on that basis. In other words, the shortest length bond power requirements get “first dibs” on the power available.
The conclusions thus far developed supports the argument that a Universal Singularity System exists that radiates its presence as a charge that produces the force called gravity or gravitational attraction., which force creates and sustains the Proton Singularity Systems that radiate their presence as a charge to produce a force that attracts electrons. While the eyes cannot see (while the senses cannot sense) the physics involved, their product is sufficiently evident with which to develop belief that the described eternally sustained “presence” (with its charge, force and physics developing potential) exists, from which the pro-creation belief argument is made as well as the belief held by many of a divine creator.
Continuing the “a priori process” leads to the conclusion (belief) that since all things derive their origin from the “presence”, it stands that light and heat owe their existence to the “presence” as well. Further, since not a product of the fundamental singularity (gravity) then light and heat must be products of second-generation proton singularities. Evidence abounds sufficient to see that light and heat are produced when atom to electron bonds are severed, most notably those involved in binding hydro-carbon atoms such as make up petroleum (CH4) and cellulose (wood/paper) but also the atoms making the filament of incandescent light bulbs. Therefore, the logical a priori conclusion (belief) is that the effects called light and heat are produced by the “charge” and “charge produced forces” generated by proton singularity systems.
Light and heat are effects produced by residue of the proton singularity charges and forces released when atom to electron bonds are broken. In other words, the process involved in producing light and heat are not revealed except and unless the power producing potential of “the presence” inherent in proton singularities is believed.
Recognize that it is the “presence charge” (impressed upon an electron by the charge radiated by the proton singularity centers of atoms) that is being forcibly bound by the power of the “presence” of which the center is made. Therefore, when the radius distance of an electron bond is forcibly altered, that bond is severed and the energy in transit, both as charge and as force being applied, is released with the charge energy radiated as a photon and the force energy (suggested to be the illusive heatron) attracted to an atom singularity center in the manner of an electron, with one exception. With no charge to produce a repelling force, a full measure of atom singularity presence would be committed to binding heatrons thereby weakening that atom’s electron binding power. With weakened binding, the atom is prone to expand and its electron bonds more easily broken, which would result in the release of more heat producing energy as occurs in the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels and ammonia nitrate for example.
The processes involved in producing light are even more illusive than those associated with heat due primarily to misconstrued beliefs regarding the process called vision. While dependent upon the existence of light (illumination), vision, including color perception, is a distinctly separate sensing process that is not otherwise involved with light. Photons are a bundle of the “presence charge” that had been impressed upon an electron at the instant bonding with its atom charge center is broken. The photon “presence charge intensity” reflects the originating atom charge center intensity adjusted to compensate for reduction due to the radius distance to the concerned electron. Photons carry only one thing, the specific “presence intensity” established by the relationship between the atom charge center and the electron whose bond was broken.
The “presence center” of an atom radiates its “presence” (a charge) in the form of little particles (spheres due to the action of self-affinity) each equal in intensity to one unit of the atom center’s intensity, which is 1,840 units per proton, and that volume is radiated from the atom’s charge center at 186,000 mps continuously without interruption. As a consequence, the space around the atom is filled with its radiating “presence energy charges” with their density diminished inversely proportional to the square of the radius distance (1/d2) until their density is essentially zero. Electrons that orbit an atom charge center exist in that atmosphere and are “charged” according to the density of the “presence intensity particles” existing at their orbit radius distance. That is to say, the self-affinity quality of the electron is energized with strength equal to the “presence intensity” at that radius. When the bond holding an electron is broken, the charge on the electron is released and radiated as a part of the atom center presence but instead of one unit of atom center presence, the resulting Photon has presence intensity equal to the intensity of the charge on the electron. The physics principles associated with the radiation of Photons is the same as is involved with all energy radiation where the density of the particles diminishes 1/d2to eventually reach essentially zero intensity.
When molecules (assembled atoms) are arranged to form pigments they block the passage of Photons. The energies and forces involved in forming pigment molecules cause the release and “bathing” of the pigment molecules with the “presence energy” carried by Photons. Therefore, not only is the “presence intensity” of the recipient atoms modified to affect their binding power, they are “bathed” with the same energy that when released produces the effect called heat and as will be demonstrated, makes objects “bathed” with that energy to be visible.
The photograph provides convincing argument concerning the interaction of heat producing “presence” energy as it applies to light and vision however the conduct of such a demonstration is not difficult. It was demonstrated to me one day during Liturgy when the sunlight cast a shadow of the alter candles on the wall beyond. It was observed that the sunlight cast a shadow of the whole candle with the exception of the flame. Obviously the sunlight photons pass through the flame without casting a shadow (except for a slight trace of carbon pigmented smoke) and while the flame is visible the objects beyond the flame are not visible.
In explanation, recognize that the flame is the “presence” energy released by the bonds broken in the process called combustion of the hydrocarbon molecules (CH4) of the petroleum in the candle wax. That “presence” energy is visible (like the “presence” in the burning bush) but presents no interference to the passage of the Sun’s Photons as evidence by the absence of a shadow, which means the flame is not made of atoms (matter). Recognize that without illumination (light) the objects other than the flame would not be visible but when “bathed” with the “presence” carried by the sunlight photons, the objects become visible. Then recognize that the flame would not block the view of objects beyond the flame if the perception of an object depended upon the transmission of photons from the object to the eye.
Finally recognize that the conclusions (beliefs) presented affect only what is believed about the physics revealed through the study of the processes involved in creation and do not nor will not change the processes. However, since the behavior of humankind is influenced by what is believed, then a change in beliefs could possibly result in changed behavior, plus opened eyes could enhance the ability to access the power of “the presence.”


Throughout Scripture the bearers of God’s messages have decried the fact that man’s eyes have been closed to seeing the presence of God. Apostle Paul went further to opine that because people’s eyes are closed they proceed to follow their own will into a life of evil and sinful behavior. Scientists, especially such as Einstein and those currently identified as Particle Physicists, have and continue to develop and propagate as “indisputable scientific fact” data that unwittingly justifies keeping our eyes closed to seeing the involvement of God in creation. It can also be argued that treatment by The Church of such men as Copernicus, Galileo and even Sir Isaac Newton have contributed to closing the eyes of man as well as helping to create an abyss between the beliefs espoused by the secular and spiritual communities.
In their decades long search for a God’s Particle the eyes of Particle Physicist’s have been closed to “seeing” (concluding) that the object of their search could consist of two (not just one) components existing in a divine singularity state where the lack of a reference makes perception of their existence possible only through reasoned conclusion. With one component a particle of divine presence capable of being energized by the second radiated charge giving the resulting particle both the power to attract as well as repel other like charged particles, the behavioral characteristics expected of the elusive God’s Particle are produced.
Resolution of the mysteries surrounding the physics involved in creation begins with acknowledging the existence of an almighty divine source of the presence particles (neutrinos) and the power that activates and sustains the viability of those particles that together make “God’s particles” and which particles fill the universe. When considered in conjunction with the declaration of Genesis 1:2 that says “the earth was empty, a formless mass cloaked in darkness, and the Spirit of God was hovering over its surface”, the “eye opening” aspect is more dramatic since, by substituting the term “presence particles” for the term “mass” and the term “charge” for the term “Spirit of God”, the mysteries of creation physics vanish.
The next step requires recognition that charged (activated) God’s particles with their affinity for one another will bind to form a perceptible sphere shaped assembly with a physical presence and an affinity intensity equal to the cumulative intensity of the involved particles, which intensity radiates and acts from the center of the assembly. The charge radiated by such an assembly has an affinity for other God’s particles or assemblies of God’s particles, which affinity produces the force called gravitational attraction or the so-called “weak force.”
Acknowledging that charged God’s particles possess the power to attract and repel each other leads to the realization that God’s particles self-assemble as spheres with their presence intensity concentrated and therefore acting from the center of the sphere. It follows that a presence intensity charge radiated from the center of a sphere disperses and decreases in intensity as the radius distance and therefore the volume of the sphere increases. That relationship is expressed by an equation that states the volume equals 4/3 pi multiplied by the radius cubed, which equates to a rate of increase in volume that is inversely proportional to the square of the radius distance. Since the inverse distance squared relationship is common to all physics situations involving radiated energy/force, that commonality must be recognized as a self-proving absolute as it was by Einstein regarding the speed of light that is 186,000 miles per second as determined by actual measurement.
Recognition of the physics involved in gravitational attraction, the first generation singularity system, is but the opening paragraph in the physics of creation. By it’s inherent behavioral characteristics that first generation singularity system creates protons and electrons that are then second-generation singularity systems. While acting independent of the first generation forces, the proton singularity derives its power through the presence (affinity) charge continuously and eternally impressed upon the presence particles of the first generation system. In the proton creating process the proton’s affinity presence particles are reoriented to charge and attract electron particles (proton charged neutrinos) only. It is that second-generation (proton) singularity charge that supplies the energy that produces all other forces including light, heat, electricity, magnetism and atomic/nuclear power. It is important to recognize that gravitational attraction is involved in all physics reactions, including the assembly of atoms, but acts independently of the forces created by the proton-electron force generating system. Further, the proton-electron system and subsequent assemblies (atoms, molecules, etc.) radiate charges and produces forces in the form currently designated as sub-atomic boson particles.
While there is much more to creation physics than the principles discussed, the purpose of this paper is not an attempt to clarify everything but rather to open man’s eyes to recognize and acknowledge the origin and behavioral characteristics of the components fundamental to the creation and sustenance of the matter and energy that is the Universe including that involved in conception/germination and the sustenance of life.

Monday, November 29, 2010


Evidence supports the conclusion that animal species especially have studied their environment to learn composition and behavior so as to understand the behavior required to survive. Knowledge gained includes realization that the development of intelligent power in particular, as well as the physical and biological complexity of animal species, advanced progressively over time. Application of that “superior” intelligence expands knowledge learned to produce a realization that all “learned” knowledge is derived through the study of the environment (our universe) including the composition, principles and behavior of the “physics” involved.
            Extending “superior intelligence reasoning” a priori using the knowledge gained through such consideration, leads to recognition that the present environment began with a massive quantity of absolutely identical fundamental thing in a form not unlike uncharged neutrinos each with an affinity for each other as an inherent behavioral characteristic. Such identical elemental particle with no physical component would appear as divine in nature and with out an empowering charge could/would exist as a common point or singularity undetectable with the senses humans are endowed. When energized each with a like charge (as asserted in Genesis 1:3) creating attraction and repulsion forces between particles (Yin and Yang) produced instant expansion of the singularity (as with a Big Bang) but also creating distance, time and speed of light as well as the ability to form assemblies of those particles that then have a physical presence (mass) specifically Neutrons, Protons and the Electron that are fundamental to the creation of all matter exhibiting physical properties and gravitational attraction. Therefore, acceptance of that conclusion must confer it’s acceptance as the foundation for any and all reasoning concerning the origin, development and behavior of the universe as well as principles developed to explain the physics involved. Of extreme significance is realization that maintenance of the charge supplied to convey energy to the elemental “divine in nature particles” fundamental to creation must be eternal and ubiquitous in a manner not unlike the existing ubiquitous background radiation now thought to be heat remaining from the “big bang”.
            In the process of creating elementary particles, whether Neutrons, Protons, Atoms, Molecules or bodies of matter, each assembly thereby created constitutes an independent assembly with it’s own presence (gravitational attraction) equal in strength to the number of elemental particles involved, which presence is radiated and acts from the center of gravity of each such assembly. Consequently, the radiated presence and resulting forces (including repulsion and photon radiation) act from the center of an assembly with the same relationship defined by the formulae developed to calculate the relationships involving the volume of a sphere, which in essence says that the strength diminishes inversely as the square of the radial distance being considered is from the originating center of gravity.
            Some believe, praise and worship the creator and sustainer of the identical elemental particles and the empowering charge as their God, (Genesis 4:26).