Wednesday, February 23, 2011


If as suggested by scientific theory and Genesis 1: 2 (NLT), the Universe was initially filled with a multitude of like "Neutrino size particles" with no physical presence (i.e.: divine in nature) and with one characteristic, namely; to hold a “charge” to impart to each “neutrino” the power of affinity (attraction) for another “neutrino”, then, based upon known/established physics principles, those "like charges" causes the establishment of a repelling force between particles. Therefore; each “neutrino” would carry the ability to attract (Yin) and repel (Yang). Further recognize that the Cosmic Background Radiation confirmed to exist ubiquitously and with uniform intensity through out the Universe,could/would establish and sustain the “Yin-Yang” charge as long as that charge not unlike the "charge" addressed by Genesis 1: 2)is sustained thereby supplying the power to create and sustain the Universe.
To assist in comprehension, it is recognized that all matter, beginning with Neutrons, Protons and Electrons, is made of “neutrino size" particles that of them-selves have no physical presence. Further, it should be recognized that the Cosmic Background Radiation theorized to be heat residual from the “big bang” could not be because there would have been no Neutron, Protons, and Electrons existing at that point in time, which are necessary to produce the effect called heat/explosion.
Recognizing that all matter in the Universe is made of Atoms that each are in turn an assembly of Neutrons, Protons and Electrons bound together by the Yin (attracting) force should lead to the conclusion that the binding force carried by the “neutrinos” is the fundamental force of creation and the precursor of all forces in the Universe and conventionally called gravitational attraction or gravity. Further, recognize that instantly following the establishment of the "neutron particle charge", the multitude of particles would expand to fill the Universe in response to the repelling (Yang) force. Also, that the Yin-Yang forces, acting between the neutrinos, produces Neutrons, Protons and Electrons, the components of all matter.

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