Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Throughout Scripture the bearers of God’s messages have decried the fact that man’s eyes have been closed to seeing the presence of God. Apostle Paul went further to opine that because people’s eyes are closed they proceed to follow their own will into a life of evil and sinful behavior. Scientists, especially such as Einstein and those currently identified as Particle Physicists, have and continue to develop and propagate as “indisputable scientific fact” data that unwittingly justifies keeping our eyes closed to seeing the involvement of God in creation. It can also be argued that treatment by The Church of such men as Copernicus, Galileo and even Sir Isaac Newton have contributed to closing the eyes of man as well as helping to create an abyss between the beliefs espoused by the secular and spiritual communities.
In their decades long search for a God’s Particle the eyes of Particle Physicist’s have been closed to “seeing” (concluding) that the object of their search could consist of two (not just one) components existing in a divine singularity state where the lack of a reference makes perception of their existence possible only through reasoned conclusion. With one component a particle of divine presence capable of being energized by the second radiated charge giving the resulting particle both the power to attract as well as repel other like charged particles, the behavioral characteristics expected of the elusive God’s Particle are produced.
Resolution of the mysteries surrounding the physics involved in creation begins with acknowledging the existence of an almighty divine source of the presence particles (neutrinos) and the power that activates and sustains the viability of those particles that together make “God’s particles” and which particles fill the universe. When considered in conjunction with the declaration of Genesis 1:2 that says “the earth was empty, a formless mass cloaked in darkness, and the Spirit of God was hovering over its surface”, the “eye opening” aspect is more dramatic since, by substituting the term “presence particles” for the term “mass” and the term “charge” for the term “Spirit of God”, the mysteries of creation physics vanish.
The next step requires recognition that charged (activated) God’s particles with their affinity for one another will bind to form a perceptible sphere shaped assembly with a physical presence and an affinity intensity equal to the cumulative intensity of the involved particles, which intensity radiates and acts from the center of the assembly. The charge radiated by such an assembly has an affinity for other God’s particles or assemblies of God’s particles, which affinity produces the force called gravitational attraction or the so-called “weak force.”
Acknowledging that charged God’s particles possess the power to attract and repel each other leads to the realization that God’s particles self-assemble as spheres with their presence intensity concentrated and therefore acting from the center of the sphere. It follows that a presence intensity charge radiated from the center of a sphere disperses and decreases in intensity as the radius distance and therefore the volume of the sphere increases. That relationship is expressed by an equation that states the volume equals 4/3 pi multiplied by the radius cubed, which equates to a rate of increase in volume that is inversely proportional to the square of the radius distance. Since the inverse distance squared relationship is common to all physics situations involving radiated energy/force, that commonality must be recognized as a self-proving absolute as it was by Einstein regarding the speed of light that is 186,000 miles per second as determined by actual measurement.
Recognition of the physics involved in gravitational attraction, the first generation singularity system, is but the opening paragraph in the physics of creation. By it’s inherent behavioral characteristics that first generation singularity system creates protons and electrons that are then second-generation singularity systems. While acting independent of the first generation forces, the proton singularity derives its power through the presence (affinity) charge continuously and eternally impressed upon the presence particles of the first generation system. In the proton creating process the proton’s affinity presence particles are reoriented to charge and attract electron particles (proton charged neutrinos) only. It is that second-generation (proton) singularity charge that supplies the energy that produces all other forces including light, heat, electricity, magnetism and atomic/nuclear power. It is important to recognize that gravitational attraction is involved in all physics reactions, including the assembly of atoms, but acts independently of the forces created by the proton-electron force generating system. Further, the proton-electron system and subsequent assemblies (atoms, molecules, etc.) radiate charges and produces forces in the form currently designated as sub-atomic boson particles.
While there is much more to creation physics than the principles discussed, the purpose of this paper is not an attempt to clarify everything but rather to open man’s eyes to recognize and acknowledge the origin and behavioral characteristics of the components fundamental to the creation and sustenance of the matter and energy that is the Universe including that involved in conception/germination and the sustenance of life.

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