Saturday, November 16, 2013


Space-Time By: Miles Pelton, Nov. 2013 Wikipedia explains space-time as a mathematical model that combines space and time into a single continuum on the basis that space has three dimensions and time adds a fourth dimension. Therefore, the term has meaning and the conclusions drawn from those calculations have meaning only if the basis for the theory is correct. In other words mathematics may prove the theory but does not necessarily prove the theory is correct. Is it? First, does space have three dimensions? The true interpretation of space is a place where nothing exists, or a place that could exist as a singularity, a point with no dimension. If space is nothing then nothing has no dimension and a singularity has no dimensions. Therefore, the assumption that space has three dimensions is indicated to be flawed, to exist only in a mathematical theory or model, a hypothetical. Second, time does not a standalone absolute, it is a relative term not elementary to fundamental physics. Time exists only when describing motion, change or growth. Time is a term created by man as a means of explaining motion, change or growth. Time is a modifier and quantifier of motion and does not have a specific standalone meaning. Therefore; space-time is a hypothetical mathematical game whether willfully or unwittingly being played outside the reality of fundamental physics that has no relevance. It proves only that mathematics can prove a mathematical equation. It does not prove the assumptions used in forming the equation.

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