Thursday, January 20, 2011

Holy Moses

There will be those who will consider the contents of this paper to be an attempt to teach or preach religion. There will be some who will consider the concepts provided by this paper to be blasphemous. This as an effort to reconcile and hopefully make clearer the principles espoused by scripture sources with the principles set forth by physics text books.
Genesis 1: 1-3 summarizes the initial act of creation as a command “Let there be light.”, which act followed the statement “The earth was a formless mass cloaked in darkness. And the Spirit of God was hovering over its surface” (speaking of the formless mass then to become the universe). Recognize that the referenced quote speaks of “the heavens and the earth” which translates to what was to become the universe or all of creation.
It is generally conceded by most people that what we call God exists as a divine spirit. That is, existing but with no physical presence. In John 3: 24, the author quotes Jesus as saying “For God is Spirit”. Furthermore; textbook physics recognizes that a multitude of non-physical sub-atomic “particles” (bosons) can exist at a point without their presence being detectable. Textbook physics also recognizes that when a “like charge” is impressed and maintained upon sub-atomic particles, a repelling force is then created between the individual particles and the multitude of particles at that point expand to create distance, in response to that “like” repelling force. That reaction (explained in my paper “Yin-Yang Makes A Big Bang”) gives the fundamentals of the “formless mass” opposing force power (Yin and Yang) whereupon their assembly creates particles with physical presence, specifically Neutrons, Protons and Electrons with which the entire physical components of the Universe were/are created. It is interesting to note that in John 1: I-18, the author opined that “the Word was with God and was God. He was in the beginning with God. He created everything there is. Nothing exists that he didn’t make. Life itself was in him, and this life gives light to everyone” Also, “So the Word became human and lived here on earth with us.”
The explanation of John encompasses principles that parallel closely the principles embraced in current Physics principles, when incorporated with the principles espoused in Genesis. When the “ formless” mass is taken as particles (uncharged neutrinos) of the presence of God and the “Word “ of John is taken as the Holy Spirit of God that upon the command of God, energized the “formless mass” particles of which all things have been created, then that Holy Spirit provided and provides the energy necessary for the creation of matter as well as that from which light and life are dependent for their existence, including the life of Jesus the man. And, it lends credence to the principles espoused by Yin-Yang Makes A Big Bang. Bottom line; Jesus in his divine state is God’s Holy Spirit that empowered and subsequently powers and sustains all creation, which supports the concept that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one.