Monday, November 29, 2010


Evidence supports the conclusion that animal species especially have studied their environment to learn composition and behavior so as to understand the behavior required to survive. Knowledge gained includes realization that the development of intelligent power in particular, as well as the physical and biological complexity of animal species, advanced progressively over time. Application of that “superior” intelligence expands knowledge learned to produce a realization that all “learned” knowledge is derived through the study of the environment (our universe) including the composition, principles and behavior of the “physics” involved.
            Extending “superior intelligence reasoning” a priori using the knowledge gained through such consideration, leads to recognition that the present environment began with a massive quantity of absolutely identical fundamental thing in a form not unlike uncharged neutrinos each with an affinity for each other as an inherent behavioral characteristic. Such identical elemental particle with no physical component would appear as divine in nature and with out an empowering charge could/would exist as a common point or singularity undetectable with the senses humans are endowed. When energized each with a like charge (as asserted in Genesis 1:3) creating attraction and repulsion forces between particles (Yin and Yang) produced instant expansion of the singularity (as with a Big Bang) but also creating distance, time and speed of light as well as the ability to form assemblies of those particles that then have a physical presence (mass) specifically Neutrons, Protons and the Electron that are fundamental to the creation of all matter exhibiting physical properties and gravitational attraction. Therefore, acceptance of that conclusion must confer it’s acceptance as the foundation for any and all reasoning concerning the origin, development and behavior of the universe as well as principles developed to explain the physics involved. Of extreme significance is realization that maintenance of the charge supplied to convey energy to the elemental “divine in nature particles” fundamental to creation must be eternal and ubiquitous in a manner not unlike the existing ubiquitous background radiation now thought to be heat remaining from the “big bang”.
            In the process of creating elementary particles, whether Neutrons, Protons, Atoms, Molecules or bodies of matter, each assembly thereby created constitutes an independent assembly with it’s own presence (gravitational attraction) equal in strength to the number of elemental particles involved, which presence is radiated and acts from the center of gravity of each such assembly. Consequently, the radiated presence and resulting forces (including repulsion and photon radiation) act from the center of an assembly with the same relationship defined by the formulae developed to calculate the relationships involving the volume of a sphere, which in essence says that the strength diminishes inversely as the square of the radial distance being considered is from the originating center of gravity.
            Some believe, praise and worship the creator and sustainer of the identical elemental particles and the empowering charge as their God, (Genesis 4:26).